recording cahir mclaughlin
just got the master back from Chris at for a track that I recorded and mixed for cahir mclaughlin and I am buzzing. waiting on a master to be delivered is the closest thing to waiting for santa claus you get when you’re an adult.
cahir is my nephew. not in the snoop dogg sense of the word, but also in the snoop dogg sense of the word. his songwriting has profundity and his guitar chops are excellent. he lives and breathes music. he’s based in Manchester and is currently studying at BIMM.
me and cahir(left) dicking about in someone’s yard ages ago. also pictured is a picture frame.
cahir had the idea that, while he was home for christmas, we’d commit one of his songs to (emulated) tape. we’d have cahir on guitar, keys and vocals, and involve three of his uncles in some shape or form: I, uncle #1 on recording, mix engineering and backing vocal duties; Rory, uncle #2 on bass guitar, and; Stephen uncle #3 on drums. the four of us were never in the room at the same time, but i find most families function better that way. we tracked everything here in the project studio at daryl harkin global industries.
stephen tracking drums there, would ye look
you can tell he’s a bass player on account of the number of strings he has on his bass
i’ve heard the final fruits of our labour and i love it. i hope you’ll be able to hear it soon too.
i’ll keep you posted
all the best